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Book review: The Choice by Edith Eger

Every now and again a book comes along that knocks you sideways, changes your perspective and affects you long after you have turned the last page.

The Choice by Edith Egers has been out for some time and I have seen it recommended across social media but I must say I was hesitant to tackle what I knew was going to be a difficult read.

Edith was a 16 year old girl who loved ballet and her boyfriend when she was sent to Auschwitz with her sister and parents in 1944. The book tells of the terrible trauma she went through at the hands of the Nazis.

We all know of Auschwitz but few of us really understand the depths of the atrocities that occurred and what those who were lucky enough to survive then had to live with.

Edith’s story is harrowing and some of it is challenging to take in – particularly when you think it is really quite recent history.

However what I would emphasize is that this book is not a tragic story of lasting trauma and lost hope, it is a life-affirming account of survival and overcoming the very worst of atrocities. 

Edith’s story is without doubt the most life affirming books I have ever read. I didn’t want it to end and the details of how Edith goes on to re-build her life and help other people is inspiring and heart warming.  

Oprah said she was ‘forever changed’ after reading the book and I could not agree more. I finished it well over a month ago and I still can’t stop thinking about it.

It is a story of triumph, survival, resilience and the true meaning of life. I can’t recommend it enough – it should be read by everyone!

The book is available where ever you shop for books or you can buy it from Amazon