Family life, Latest articles, Uncategorized

The house on the hill – and the unexpected grief of saying goodbye to our family home

When my father passed away last year we were faced with mountain of grief we are only just beginning to process – in these circumstances this is of course to be expected. What I didn’t expect was the depth of the sadness at the prospect of saying goodbye to Sapgate Lane – a house which… Read More The house on the hill – and the unexpected grief of saying goodbye to our family home

Family life, Latest articles, Uncategorized

A letter to my son on the eve of his GCSE results

Dear Harry Tomorrow is the most important day of your life – except it’s not.  It feels like it is, and it feels like the culmination of every single thing you have ever worked for in your entire life.  Twelve years of hard graft, of homework, tests, projects, reading, more homework, more tests, choices, course… Read More A letter to my son on the eve of his GCSE results