Just over eight years ago I met my new partner Stuart and fairly quickly we knew we would like to have a baby together.
He did not have children but had formed a lovely bond with my son, then six, and we were keen to compete our little family with a new addition.
My pregnancy with Harry had gone like clockwork, Stuart and I were both fit and healthy and at 34 and 36 we felt positive about our chances of conceiving.
We could never have foreseen the years of heartbreak we were about to encounter on a journey that left us grief-stricken and almost destroyed our relationship.
Initially I did fall pregnant quickly, but at six weeks a heavy bleed confirmed we had lost our baby.
We were to go through three more miscarriages over the next seven years, two in one year which broke our hearts and left us totally confused as to why it was happening.
A myriad of invasive tests showed there were no issues fertility-wise for either of us.
The rollercoaster ride of falling pregnant and losing our babies along with months of relentless pressure to conceive took its toll.
Our relationship suffered and we both struggled with mental health problems.
I had lots, and I mean lots, of counselling and two episodes of severe depression where I felt like I had fallen down a dark hole and could not get out.
I eventually hit rock bottom on my 40th birthday in 2015 when two weeks previously I had lost our fourth baby. We had managed to get to 10 weeks this time but at an early scan showed no heart beat.
Turning 40 was a nail in the coffin of our dream to have a baby, we knew statistically my fertility was dropping and even if we could get pregnant my age meant an increase risk of miscarriage.
Exhausted by the pressure and stress which seemed to touch every aspect of our lives we decided we needed to change things quickly or risk being dragged under by it all.
We began to consider a different future, one without a baby and the first thing we did was count our blessings.
One beautiful boy, a great life, two crazy dogs; we had plenty to be thankful for and we knew we could carve out a happy existence.
We got on with our lives; we bought a house, had a fabulous trip to New York where Stuart proposed, we got married and had some amazing family holidays.
I threw myself into triathlon training, good times with friends and soaked up every single second of being mum to Harry.
All of this was not without sadness. Harry was, and still is, the light of my life and I so wanted to go on the journey again and take Stuart with me.
Meanwhile blood tests following the fourth miscarriage came back positive for something called Antiphospholipid Syndrome or APS. This is a disorder of the immune system that causes blood clots, a cause of multiple miscarriage.
Satisfying as it was to have a clear cause of our miscarriages we could not face starting again on the roller coaster of trying to conceive.
My consultant encouraged us to keep trying, with medication we could go on to have a successful pregnancy.
However the prospect of facing months or years of ovulation testing, pressure, two week waits and pregnancy tests filled us both with absolute dread; a fifth loss felt like a pain too difficult to bear.
As 2019 arrived we made a decision to close the doors completely and Stuart was booked in for a vasectomy in May.
Three days before his operation we decided to delay it, just for six months. Partly because Stuart was going to Germany for a cycling holiday and also so we could look back and say we had tried absolutely everything.
A month later we were pregnant.
To say we were shocked was a complete understatement, we could not believe four years after our last pregnancy and at the age of 43 I could be carrying our baby.
I immediately started on a course of aspirin and daily injections to thin my blood, which I’m still on now and will be until after the birth.
At six months pregnant, with three positive scans, we are feeling cautiously positive.
We know there is much potential for things to go wrong still, I will be 44 when our little baby boy arrives.
The wonderful people at Airedale Hospital are keeping a very close eye on me and our baby and we could not ask for better care.
If praying is your thing then it would be much appreciated, but happy thoughts and crossed fingers will do just fine too.
We’ll keep you posted.

On February 29th Seth Arthur Preston came into the world weighing 7lb 4 ounces making us the happiest people in the world.

Congratulations. I kind of was holding my breath to the end there to read the news. Sending lots of stay put baby vibes your way. I have had 6 miscarriages and at 43 we are ttc one final time so I know it’s a rocky and hard road
Thank you for sharing
Oh wow what a rollercoaster story – GOOD LUCK, enjoy your pregnancy xxxx
Amazing news!! I can’t imagine going through that loss. Sending love!
This is amazing, I am so happy for you. It was all meant to be in the end, I wish you so much happiness.
Oh my goodness you have been through so much! Praying and keeping everything crossed for you xxx
This is such amazing news! A happy ending to such a tough journey – I wish you all the best and that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly 🙂
I got goosebumps reading this. What an amazing end to a tumultuous journey. After everything you’ve been through I couldn’t be happier for you all. I look forward to following your journey. ❤️
Congratulations on the pregnancy, I’m sending you all the good vibes. You deserve this after the few years you’ve had.
I am so sorry to read al you’ve been through but what fabulous news.
I can’t wait for baby news ✨
Congratulations x x
You’ve had such difficult, heart renching time Rose
and have told your story so beautifully and honestly.
I am so pleased for you both that there is a very happy ending. Sending you happy, positive thoughts and thinking of you always. You deserve all the extra love and happiness that the little one will bring to your beautiful family of 4. Take care and look after ourself and bump. Lots of love A xx
You’ve had such difficult, heart renching time Rose
and have told your story so beautifully and honestly.
I am so pleased for you both that there is a very happy ending. Sending you happy, positive thoughts and thinking of you always. You deserve all the extra love and happiness that the little one will bring to your beautiful family of 4. Look after yourself and bump. Lots of love A xx
Thanks so much Andrea x
Awe Rosie, so very sad but ending on a positive and happy note. I have everything crossed for you, Stewart and Harry for the future and a happy bouncing baby boy to complete your lovely family. Xxx Sheila xxx
Thanks so much Sheila x
Absolutely amazing news my lovely. I will keep everything crossed for you. Sending lots of positive thoughts, lots of love and mahoosive hugs xx
Jill xx
Thanks so much Jill.
OM goodness Rosie, that made me cry. A huge congratulations. Listen to your body and your baby . I will pray for you and wish you well- don’t overdo anything. Lots of love,Mags xxxxx
Thanks Mags – will do.x
This made me cry both happy and sad tears. Steve and I always wanted a child of our own but a vasectomy after his only son was born in his first marriage meant it wasn’t possible, a sadness we can never erase but with step parenting and hopefully one day shared grandchildren it will dull.
I will pray, and pray, and pray a bit more for little master Preston, for you, Harry and Stuart. You are an amazing family, with beautiful hearts and I hope that your future is everything you dream of.
Michelle xx
Thanks so much Michelle – I had no idea you and Steve had wanted children. Thanks for your prays too. xx